Kalyanam Kamaneeyam 2023

 Kalyanam Kamaneeyam 

Even though our protagonist Shiva is 25 years old, he does not have a job. His girl is Shuti. Anyway, this relationship of the girl is also urgent for Kasaday because it is for a while. Shiva says that he can't marry if he gets a job. But since Shuti is currently working, Shuti's parents tell Shiva that it is okay to get married first and find a job for Shiva later. Anyway, Shuti's father arranged everything with a good house for Shiva and Shuti after the marriage.. Even after getting married like this, it will be a while.. Shiva still has no job. Shuti always tries to make Shiva believe that one day he will get a job, don't worry, till then he will bear all the expenses. 

Saying that, every morning a small amount is given to Shiva and asked to do something he likes. No matter how much these two were in love, there are people who jump in the middle of such love stories. Somehow, the people around are trying to put it on Shuti's head that the person she married still doesn't have a job.. Shuti says that it doesn't matter how she was before the marriage.. One day, Shuti says that it's okay for Shiva to be unemployed, but Shuti's husband has a job. right? suitable". A lot of problems are coming between the two who were in love. Watch the video till the end of the questions that came between them.

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