Namma Veettu Pillai

Namma Veettu Pillai

There is a big family in this story. Chandra Bose is one of that family. He had a friend named Dharma. Dharma loves a Muslim girl. Dharma ties the Muslim girl and brings her to the village. When the village objected, Chandra Bose intervened and made him live at the expense of the village. One day Dharma's enemies kill Dharma. Even though Chandra Bose is married, Dharma's family is also fed and taken care of. Dharma has a son and a daughter. 

One day, Dharmaputa and Chandrabose were struck by the current and died. Dharma's wife also dies because of that grief. Dharma's daughter Tulsi is left alone. Chandra Bose has a son named Arumpan. He is the main character of the story. Arumpan takes care of his mother and Tulsi. After some time, the relatives of the mother and father's family started to marginalize them. Arumpan tries to marry one of their family members to Tulsi, but nothing works. 

After a while, a person named Ayyanar wants to marry Tulsi. Iyanar does not like Arumpan. Aiyanar roasts Tulsi. While living family life, problems arise between them. One day, Ayyanar accidentally kills Pari, who was like his brother. When Pari's men come looking for Aiyanar, it is Arumpan who rescues Aiyanar from the thugs and hands him over to the police. With these events, the family relatives are blaming Arumpanla for embarrassing them. Pari's men are looking for Arumpan to kill him. Watch till the end of the movie to know what happens to Arumpanta Tulsi and her mother.

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